Vokkero Squadra 3 er Set


Delivery: 3 x Squadra radio 4 x Headset PHO 221 incl. Generic earplugs 1 x Charger incl. Power supply 1 x programming kit 3 x bracelet 

1 x small carrying bag (softbag)

Lieferzeit 4-6 Wochen
3.440,00 € 1

3.300,00 €

  • verfügbar
  • 15 - 20 Tage Lieferzeit

Product earmold, adapted shell for Vokkero Squadraame Headset


Please note: For the production of this earmould an ear impression is absolutely necessary! This impression you will receive e.g. at your local hearing care professional. Please send us this impression incl. the following information: color (green or skin-colored); left or right ear. The delivery time is in the Usually about 4 weeks.

129,00 € 1

110,00 €

  • verfügbar
  • 2 - 4 Tage Lieferzeit

Vokkero PHO 221 professional ultra light Headset (mit generischen Ohrstöpseln)

267,00 € 1

240,00 €

  • verfügbar
  • 2 - 4 Tage Lieferzeit

Vokkero PHO 221 professional ultra light headset (with generic earplugs)

240,00 € 1

220,00 €

  • leider ausverkauft